Welcome to the proud site of:
Night Light Outlaws MotorCycle Club
A Grand Theft Auto Online Crew
Quotes from the President and his Chapter captains.
We ride together, we fight together, we die together. Brothers and Sisters till the end.
Ivar Jens Harald Blaauw
We can never truly die, our brothers and sisters will never be forgotten!
Bitches stay bitches, backstabbers can never be trusted. Karma is imporant. Do good and recieve good. Do bad and recieve bad.
Boudewijn Jansen
-Vice President-
It's a good day to die, when you know the reasons why. Brothers and sisters, we fight for what is right.
A noble sacrifice, when duty calls you pay the price.
Bodhi van Deutekom
-Chapter Captain-
They have harassed us, unjustly accused us, denied us our rights and jailed our leaders.
We are self-definded and self-enforcing, a collective with a love of individuality.
We love the life we live and we live the life we love.
Luca Gevaert
-Chapter Captain-
You only live once #teamsatan
Judith Butselaar