Patches and Titles
A motorcycleclub consists of multiple ranks; called Patches and Titles. Here are the following ranks explained and the higher ranks also have listed the names of the ones who hold the rank.
-Ivar Jens Harald Blaauw (Ivarblaauw)-
The President is the leader of Night Light Outlaws MotorCycle Club and he makes the final decisions for the club. He can call for a vote if he can't make a decision.
The President of Night Light Outlaws MC is the absolute leader and all members should follow his lead.
Vice President
-Boudewijn Jansen (BJ4494)-
The Vice President is the second in command, and will lead in times where the President cannot. In most cases, if the President steps down or cannot ride anymore, the job is handed to the VP. This will, most likely, never happen within Night Light Outlaws MC.
Chapter Captain
-Bodhi van Deutekom (Magistral42)- -Boudewijn Jansen (BJ4494)- -Thijs Peters (GoopyCresent86)- - Luca Gevaert (Luca12500)-
The Chapter Captain is the leader of a chapter of the Club. He is under direct command of the President.
He has to follow the rules given by the Club President and the Chapter Captain will lead in times where the President and Vice President cannot.
-Judith Butselaar (Juudjeee)-
The Secretary is best described as the bookkeeper of a club, and will maintain the website/social media and a blog. The Secretary is the only member together with the President who can make changes to the website. The Secretary usually arranges club meetings.
Sergeant at Arms
​-Thijs Peters (GoopyCresent86)-
Their basic role is to keep order at meetings and handle clubhouse and club security. this role may extend to leading the club in attacks during war, and trying to identify members deemed to be disloyal or potentially acting for law enforcement, then handling them - usually brutally. They may also provide members with weapons if necessary.
Lieutentant at Arms
-Gerben Holland (SmartBismarck) -
The Lieutenant at Arms helps out the Sgt. at Arms whenever neccessary. May act as Sgt. at Arms when the Sgt. at Arms is not available.
-Gijs Kalfsvel (MetallicGijs)-
The Treasurer handles the assets and financial records of the club. Club properties may be owned in the Treasurer's name. He may also sign legal contracts for the club.
Road Captain
-Quinten Pos (FlyingQuinten)- -Jelmer Repko (IV Siebe)- -Bianca Ikkuh (supermamma)- -Dylan Dekker (Thunder Terror)- -Thom Serra van Limbeek-
Organises routes for clubs to take when out on a ride, and ensures safety on the road. This member may also teach prospects formation if needed.
Patch Members/Representatives
A patch member is someone who has proved themself loyal and comitted to the club, and gained the trust of his brothers. This means that member is no longer a prospect and can wear the full patch.
They are fully initiated in the club and can be trusted. They may lead prospects in battle and they are seen as equals by the higher ranks.
Nick Hoedjes (Fariko Duke)
Yannick ... (Mergedbaton0227)
Mitch Maljers (MitchMaljers)
Milan Molenaar (MEGAisONLINE)
Lana Evers (Laanbanaan)
Pieter Iyangbe (Super hydra22)
Rody ... (rodyglitch)
Brandon ... (brandon1347)
Maarten Laban (Hell0 Dudes)
Don Evers (Socrates399)
Dana Jacobs (xXxdiam0nd)
Jesper Hof (WreckedShoe)
Vincent ... (PzVinz)
A Prospect is a member in the process of proving himself and gaining the trust of patch members. A Prospects job is to do what any patch member asks them to and guard the clubhouse when needed. They are members of the club; but they can be thrown out without a vote by an offense against the club.